Personal branding. A term fraught with misconceptions. It conjures up images of slickly packaged, scandal-tainted celebrities, who don a carefully curated image, designed to manipulate us into buying lots and lots of things.
That’s not what I am talking about here.
This is a blog about your authentic personal brand, deeply rooted in your unique qualities. I am here to help you crack the code of your unique combination of skills, strengths, limits, passions, values and creative abilities and unlock the power of your authentic personal brand.
When you look at leaders with powerful personal brands, say, Steve Jobs or even Mother Theresa, you see individuals who, by design, or serendipity, landed in the sweet spot of their unique qualities and their chosen work. And when that alignment happens it just ignites your life. Your success becomes UNSTOPPABLE (not necessarily easy) and you become a force for good — adding value to your organization, your community and ultimately to the world.
Thing is, you already have an authentic personal brand. So, the real question is what are you going to do it with it? It’s just waiting for you to unearth it, cultivate it, and leverage it’s super powers to do good and meaningful work in your world.
That’s what I’m talking about.
I invite you to grab a cup of joe, find a seat, take a deep breath and join me for inspired and practical conversations about how to crack the code of your authentic personal brand.
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