I get the feeling 2015 will bring you lots of opportunities to “pitch” potential clients. Here is an excerpt of the 3 C’s Formula that I teach in Bootcamp. CAUTION: One participant used these concepts and doubled the price of her coaching package, pitched her new, higher priced package to a potential client and the client bought it – no questions asked!
★★★ Tip #2 – How To Deliver A Compelling Pitch ★★★
Here’s the 3 C’s Formula our Bootcamper used successfully. Use it for yourself!
Clarity + Confidence = Compelling
1. Clarity: Get clear about:
- WHO YOU ARE (your authentic personal brand)
- WHAT YOU DO (how you solve your client’s Big Fat Problem/s)
- WHO YOU DO IT FOR (your ideal client/s, aka, the people whose BIg Fat Problem/s you solve)
2. Confidence: Clarity produces confidence. When you are clear about who you are, what you do, and who you do it for, you feel more self assured. With serotonin levels on the rise and a figurative swagger in your step, you are able to approach and engage potential clients with increased faith in your abilities.
3. Compelling: Clarity + confidence activates your attractiveness and compels others to pay attention to you. Your presence, expressiveness and communication skills work together in concert to help you get your message across in a most persuasive way. Add to that, a branded process + a specific offer, and you will be able to increase, maybe even double, your prices.
We explored the 3 C’s Formula in more depth on the LIVE Coaching Calls in Bootcamp. Try it yourself and let me know how it works for you!
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Missed Tip #1 – Your Differentiators? You can find it here – Personal Branding Series Tip #1