In my interview with Chatham Sullivan, the author of The Clarity Principle, he raised an interesting idea: every business is an interpretation of a wrong that needs to be righted or a problem that needs to be solved. That wrong or that problem is the call to action of your business.
Many times as business owners (large and small), we get caught up in thinking about our products, services, or how to stay relevant. All of these things are absolutely necessary in the fast-paced world we live in, but a good, solid brand – whether it’s your personal brand or your business brand – has to have some deeper, underlying purpose. You are solving a problem someone in this world is having.
In order to grow and elevate your personal brand, you have to know what problem you solve in your own distinct and special way. What wrong do you right? Your purpose will influence and align your products and services to that special need. When you are clear on the problem you solve and approach it in a distinct way, you create massive brand value that is rewarded in the marketplace.
So, what problem are you solving?
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