How to Discover AND Articulate Your Differentiators
My New Year’s gift to you is this Personal Branding Series – Tips 1-4. Enjoy!
★★★Tip #1 – How to discover AND articulate your differentiators★★★
As you know, I launched the inaugural Brand Y.O.U. Business Bootcamp™- For Coaches, last fall, to great success. One of the topics that was a big hit was my version of how to discover AND articulate your uniqueness in ways that make your competition irrelevant.
Here is an excerpt of what I teach in Bootcamp. I wanted to share it with you so you could use it right away.
How to discover AND articulate your differentiators
If a potential client asked you why they should hire you or use your product or service, what would you say? Would you say they should hire you because you are good at what you do? You are a hard worker? You are flexible/resourceful, efficient? Sure you are, and so are your competitors.
These words alone are NOT your differentiators, the story behind the words IS your differentiator. Try this:
- Ask yourself, “How did I learn to be good at what I do/hard worker/flexible/ resourceful/efficient?”. Reflect on the stories and experiences that shaped and developed those qualities in you.
- Examine your race, gender, orientation, talents, hobbies, and experiences because these provide you with a unique perspective which is the key to what differentiates you from others.
- Share your story or your unique perspective with your potential client as a way to highlight your differentiator(s).
The next Brand Y.O.U. Business Bootcamp™- For Coaches, starts Tuesday, February 10, 2015. One of the things we cover in Bootcamp is how to identify and leverage your uniqueness in ways that make the competition irrelevant.
Here’s more info on Bootcamp:
Use this code to get $500 off February Bootcamp: bootcamp2015
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